cve-search project is a set of tools to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) to facilitate search and processing of CVEs.

The main objective of the software is to avoid doing direct and public lookup into the public CVE databases. This is usually faster to do local lookups and limits your sensitive queries via the Internet.

cve-search includes a back-end to store vulnerabilities and related information, an intuitive web interface for search and managing vulnerabilities, a series of tools to query the system and a web API interface.

Team and history

cve-search started a simple script written by Wim Remes to fetch CVE from MITRE and put these in a database. Alexandre Dulaunoy took over the development of the project and the software gradually increased to a usable tool-set to handle vulnerabilities. Then Pieter-Jan Moreels joined the cve-search project adding a complete web interface and many new features. Many contributors proposed changes and pull-requests to cve-search to make it better over time. A major rewrite of the API was done by Paul Tikken in 2020.

Core team


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Don’t hesitate to contact the cve-search team if you want to support us or share your thoughts about the project. info(AT)